requirements for a security guard
  • Fri, Jul 2022
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  • Reliable Guard and Patrol Service Inc.

School shootings are nightmares that will be unforgettable, and tragedies that occurred will leave a mark on our history. Therefore, a school security guard is most needed in these situations.

Naturally, those on the opposing side of gun ownership and gun control laws are immediately condemning these acts of violence, insisting that reforms must be initiated to ensure safer school campuses.

Therefore, it is better to have a school security guard to take care of the safety of the children in any situation. Keep reading for more information and know more about school security guards.

Guard Training Requirements

requirements for a security guard

Having a school security guard isn’t just choosing a random person to start the guard job. Unlike, every school security guard must pass strict training to provide any service.

Most school guards are not armed, but this is changing in some schools. You may need to take firearms classes, learn how to use metal detectors, and work with video cameras.

It doesn’t end there. After completing the courses and becoming a certified school security guard training, it is necessary to take additional courses from the school district or even the school where this person will be working.

After all, this training and requirements are a must to help to have a safe school year.


For the most part, school security guards have specific responsibilities that will vary with the state and school district. But all along, the safety of students is what matters.

In most cases, security guards patrol the school and its surrounding areas. Intervene in activities that may cause injury and tell students not to do them. Also, it is a good role model for students in how the school guard behaves, dresses, and looks.

As well, they help supervise students during breakfast and lunch. Coupled with assisting the students to get to class on time and ensuring hallways are not too crowded. Also, check visitors’ identification and escort them out if they’re not supposed to be there.

As demonstrated above, being a school security guard is not an easy labor, but it is as essential as any other job.


Duties of a school guard

Security guards are the best professionals to oversee emergency drills since they are highly rating. Experts agree that drills are an essential practice for safety and protect students physically and mentally. In a real-life event, drills help to reduce the psychological impact on people.

Every drill must be done with care and caution to ensure everyone is doing the proper procedure correctly. Some students think it is an opportunity to be disruptive and distract other students regarding school drills, but this must be taken seriously.

Events like the recent school shooting have shown the importance and how critical it is to focus, understand and follow every procedure in an emergency drill.

During these exercises, security guards must establish authority, leaving no room for students to waste these opportunities, and in today’s climate of violence against schools, drills are most effective.

Therefore, having a private security guard is crucial to keep schools safe.

Report any suspicious behaviors and happenings.

This duty is essential since reporting any suspicious behavior or happenings will prevent future damage to the people.

A school security guard should be the first to notice these behaviors. Even though they aren’t teachers, they still have contact with students and must be a good example and have a good relationship with them.

How to react to an emergency

Importantly, school security guards in emergencies must have an attitude of leadership to achieve a pacific and safe environment.

An emergency situation can happen anytime and anywhere. In schools, some common emergencies include fire, bomb threats, medical emergencies, and natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc.

As school security guards, they have multiple responsibilities in an emergency situation, from the beginning to the end of the event. Therefore, they are expected to react immediately and appropriately to minimize the impact on human life and property damage.

In an emergency, you must follow the plan and take appropriate action. Always be aware of your surroundings and try to identify fire and safety hazards at your workplace. An emergency situation is a severe and unexpected occurrence that requires immediate action.

Therefore, preventing any emergency is essential. Hence, it must be taken as a serious occurrence since it is not something routinely. It happens unexpectedly. Notably, an emergency requires immediate action before it worsens, and school security guards must be ready for any situation.

Obtain Professional Guard Service

A professional school security guard

School security guards must demonstrate great support and concern for the school’s activities. Therefore, this could include attendance at school games and other extracurricular activities.

Granted that you know the duties and requirements of a school security guard, you can understand their job better. And, if you need a security guard, you should contact an expert team.

Moreover, learning and knowing how vital drills are, you will proceed differently and take it seriously whenever your job or school makes a drill for fire, bomb threats, medical emergencies, and natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, etc.

Besides, an experienced security guard provides a free service quote or phone consultation with a professional coordinator able to offer solutions to maintain students on campus safely.

In fact, At Reliable provides professional security guard service to guarantee your safety and the people around you. To know more about security guard services, click on the link.

Therefore, having a private security guard is crucial to keep schools safe.